No Recipe, No Problem!

Humans have been cooking since the beginning of time. Our ancestors were doing it with little knowledge about what was around them. Back then they didn’t have the internet like we do today to look up every ingredient known to man so it was all trial and error. Eat this, tastes good, survive the night, it was pretty safe to say you would try it again. Thankfully we have come a long way since then. 

Nowadays we have millions of cookbooks, movies, TV shows and food blogs all telling us how and what we should cook. It’s a bit daunting because then, who do you believe? Which famous chef or personality star are you going to believe is correct? Which diet is best? Which foods are the healthiest? And it goes on and on.

I’m not here to tell you which diet works best. I don’t believe in diets. I’m a chef, I follow the “everything in moderation” way of life. The thought of omitting anything from my diet seems sacrilege. I want to have access to everything that is available to me. I look at ingredients as another way to add intrigue to a dish and you can put them together any way you want to.

With the oldest known recipe dating back to 1730 BC, I would be willing to bet that whoever wrote those recipes meant it as a guide to show others what was safe to eat and/or how to make it safe to eat rather than something that had to be followed exactly.

I believe cooking is a form of self-expression. It’s a way to grow your connection to the earth, food, and your loved ones. It helps to cultivate memories, foster creativity, but most importantly it sustains all of us on so many levels.